Wednesday, July 7, 2010

On Top of Olde King's College Chapel

I don't know what possessed me to take a tour of the Chapel roof earlier today, but before I really knew what was happening, I found myself climbing up the sloped roof of the chapel, with nothing but some light friction and some 500 year old stone preventing me from falling to my death.
Since that's not really what my parents need to hear, I'll go on by saying that it was all quite safe!
The chapel is really long, quite high, and amazingly beautiful. My favorite part of the roof is underneath the above part, where in the Victorian age, they decided the roof needed some extra support, so they put in these iron bracings, which are the white bands stretching across the chapel:
Recently, structuralists studied the church and these bracings only to determine that they do absolutely nothing to help support the church. Hahahahahaha. The stone at the bottom there is about 10 inches thick and underneath it is just solid...air. Gothic architecture is awesome like that.
The view from the top was pretty nice, although terribly frightening and somewhat obstructed by all the stone work on the edges of the roof.
Since I felt like I was about to die for most of the tour, I won't be going up there again anytime soon. I will go back to the inside part (for Evensong this Thursday actually), because it's really pretty in there:

In other, non-chapel news, I've added a trip to Amsterdam into my travel schedule, which means that by the end of the summer, I will have been to: Spain, England, Scotland, Italy, Ireland, and the Netherlands! Whether I go to Paris is yet to be determined (although with budget and time constraints, as my magic 8 ball would say, outlook not good).

1 comment:

  1. Noooo! You must go to Paris... btw I'm just catching up this morning. Hope you're having fun (I know you are!)
