Friday, July 9, 2010

The Most Epic Love Story Ever Told...


Okay well I took some time out of my busy (read: uneventful) day today to go see the latest installment of the soggiest saga ever written. It just came out in the UK today, so I was expecting the theater to be kind of swamped. I guessed wrong. Maybe the British are smarter than the Americans, because at 6:15, when the show was supposed to start, there were only 25 people in the theater (called a "screen"). A few more trickled in during the previews and even into the first ten or so minutes of the movie, but by the end, there were still under 50 people there. I guess it was dinner time, but I was still surprised.
I'm not going to waste much of my or your time talking about the movie. They did the best they could with the material they had, which actually makes the fact that it was not a terrible movie more impressive. Kristen Stewart gave the performance of her lifetime up to this point. She managed to not bite her lip at all through the two hour movie. At the end, I wanted to clap for her. Taylor Lautner's abs also gave a great performance, although I can't say the same for the rest of him. Robert Pattinson remains, as ever, not terribly attractive. But the character that stole the show was Jacob's wolf form. He was cuddly and fuzzy and all sorts of adorable, with a fierce and, well, wolfish side for contrast. I nominate him for Best Supporting Actor. He really showed some depth of character and delivered all of his lines with the subtle grace and perfection of the world's best talents.
Anyway, there were two more things I wanted to say about the moviegoing experience. One being that the tweenage girls in that theater were extraordinarily obnoxious. They talked throughout the entire movie. I'm okay with some gasping and laughing and whatnot on occasion, but to talk pretty consistently throughout is just plain rude.
The other thing I wanted to mention, and this is mostly for Gina's benefit, is that before the movie started, there was a Twilight-inspired Volvo commercial, which was about the funniest thing ever. It wasn't this one exactly, but you get the picture.

Well, that's all I have to say about Twilight, until Breaking Dawn, of course. Happy Friday!

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